Routinely screening children below age 6 can help identify developmental, social-emotional, and behavioral health issues. Connecting families to early intervention services can prevent identified issues from becoming long-term, pervasive problems that affect a child’s ability to learn and thrive.

Screenings & Assessments
Providers use a comprehensive screening and assessment process that looks at children’s developmental, social-emotional, and relational needs in the context of their family and community settings.

Therapeutic Services
Providers offer therapy to address and remediate any concerns identified during the assessment process. Providers utilize evidence-based treatment models that best fit the family and child’s assessed needs, such as Child-Parent Psychotherapy.

Home Visitation Services
Providers offer support, guidance, and coaching to families to support child development. Providers are trained and offer evidence-based treatment models like the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program.

KidConnections Network
KCN (KidConnections Network) collaborates with the Santa Clara County Office of Education to support families. KCN connects child(ren) to educational and developmental services such as the Early Start Program and School District services that address developmental needs affecting a child’s learning, like speech and motor development.