Kathleen King recently retired after 15 years as CEO of Healthier Kids Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on addressing the healthcare needs of underserved children and youth in Silicon Valley. During her tenure, she made significant contributions to the foundation’s mission, providing preventive screenings, education, and advocacy for the health and well-being of children.

Under Kathleen’s leadership, Healthier Kids Foundation delivered over 530,000 services in the past 10 years, assisting 95,000 unique families in accessing necessary care by utilizing health insurance referrals. Notably, the foundation conducted universal school wellness screenings for over 6,000 fifth and sixth graders in the last three years, promoting early intervention and comprehensive well care for children.
Prior to her retirement, Kathleen held various prominent roles in public service. She was elected to the Saratoga City Council in November 2002 and served as Mayor in both 2005 and 2010. Additionally, Kathleen’s commitment extended to the California State Dental Board, the Santa Clara County Board of Education, and her appointment as a board member of the local Medi-Cal/Medicare Health Plan, Santa Clara Family Health Plan. Kathleen is now a board member of the SVLG Foundation and the Santa Clara County Child Abuse Prevention Council.
A native Californian, Kathleen is a proud member of the American Leadership Forum Class XVII. She completed her education in San Jose, attending public schools, West Valley College, and Santa Clara University. Kathleen currently resides in Saratoga with her husband, Mark Stark, and they have five children: Marie, Allyssa, Nick, Matthew, and Robert. Her proudest accomplishment remains her children and granddaughter, with Robert’s journey through 39 surgeries and two bone marrow transplants serving as a testament to the importance of healthcare for all children.
Title: Commissioner
Represent: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, District 2
Committee: Personnel and Finance