FIRST 5 Santa Clara County is committed to standing with our immigrant families during these challenging times. As the new Federal Administration threatens the safety and security of our communities, we reaffirm our belief that immigrant families are an integral part of California’s cultural, economic, and social fabric. Every family, regardless of their background, deserves respect and dignity.

FIRST 5 Santa Clara County está comprometido a apoyar a nuestras familias inmigrantes durante estos tiempos difíciles. Mientras la nueva Administración Federal amenaza la seguridad de nuestras comunidades, reafirmamos nuestra creencia de que las familias inmigrantes son una parte integral del tejido cultural, económico y social de California. Toda familia, independientemente de su origen, merece respeto y dignidad.

As part of our mission to support the healthy development of children and improve the lives of their families, we remain committed to creating inclusive environments where all families and caregivers feel safe, valued, and empowered. We are proud to partner with community organizations that are working tirelessly to support immigrant families and ensure they remain together in these uncertain times.

Como parte de nuestra misión de apoyar el desarrollo saludable de los niños y mejorar las vidas de sus familias, seguimos comprometidos a crear entornos inclusivos donde todas las familias y cuidadores se sientan seguros, valorados y empoderados. Estamos orgullosos de asociarnos con organizaciones comunitarias que trabajan incansablemente para apoyar a las familias inmigrantes y garantizar que permanezcan juntas en estos tiempos inciertos.

Here are some critical resources that foster safer, more informed communities where everyone feels supported.

Aquí hay recursos críticos que fomentan comunidades más seguras e informadas donde todos se sienten apoyados.

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County: Immigration Workshops and Services

AACI: Resources for Immigrant Families

Children Thrive Action Network:

Amigos de Guadalupe, Rapid Response Network:

Sacred Heart Community Service, Rapid Response Network:

Public Counsel: Nonprofits and Businesses: Know Your Rights! Interactions with Immigration Enforcement (ICE)

Slides | Recording | FAQ

Immigrant Legal Resource Center: and

ILRC Child and Family Preparedness Plan:

SIREN Immigrant Rights:

Guide for Creating a “Safe Space” Policy:

Santa Clara County Sanctuary Jurisdiction and Protections:

National Council of Nonprofits – Executive Orders Affecting Charitable Nonprofits

Our Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter contains news, community updates, policy highlights, and more. You can read our latest issue below.

FY 23-24 Community Impact Report

Read our annual community impact report on programs and services to Santa Clara County children and families.

Find a Family Resource Center

Learn more about the services, resources, and family support provided through the FIRST 5 network of neighborhood family resource centers.

Upcoming Commission Meetings

FIRST 5 Santa Clara County Commissioners promote and support the early development of young children, prenatal through age 5, in Santa Clara County. Learn more about our upcoming meetings below.

Upcoming Meetings

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